Sqoyaw receives its name because it is surrounded by a number of mountains.
There are more than 2000 Chinese wisteria trees in this tribe, creating a breathtaking view when flowers are in full bloom.
Due to the good water quality, this place has become one of the areas where Shei-Pa National Park keeps the Formosan
Landlocked salmon. There is also a fish protection trail where you can find Taiwan shovel-jaw carp.
Tribal characteristics-Sigilan Suspension Bridge
Sijielan Creek is also known as Sigilan Creek. Sigilan Suspension Bridge, built in 1988 and rebuilt in 2005, leads you to the trailhead of Jiayang Mountain.
Tribal characteristics-Lieren Trail
Lieren Trail, a habitat for wild boars and Formosan Reeve's muntjac, used to be one of the hunting places for the Atayal.
The Atayal tour guide will demonstrate how to make traps here to show the wisdom of the Atayal.
Tribal characteristics-Lieren Trail
The museum houses many traditional Atayal handicrafts and old photographs, as well as wooden houses and barns that were once used by tribal leaders.